Maple Ski Ridge
Maple Ski Ridge is “The Capital Region’s Best Kept Secret”. ImageMAXmedia has created brand awareness they a rich new Website, PR and blog management services as well as photographic and video services. . ImageMAXmedia’s goal of implementing new media into a website design that is functional and smooth. Our focus on Organically ranking the website and the blog has produced a significantly higher volume of web traffic.
Web Design
With the ground floor as our starting point we met and developed a vision of what Maple Ski Ridge had as a vision for their future website. Looking at their consumer base, age and needs we designed a website with new functionality, easier navigation and blog and social media integration. All of thee upgrades have lead a decreased bounce rate and a higher volume of page views.
Public Relations
Working together as a partner we have established communication lines to effectively share Maple Ski Ridge’s media, community involvement and consumer publicity that make it essential to running an active family business. ImageMAXmed and Maple Ski Ridge have a calendar of events full of promotions and community involved support.
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